
Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Rakka Ten (PC) Walkthrough

The title meaning is "Falling Point" which can be related to all the characters in the game. The first game LOVEANDES made. Quite glitchy.

classroom in dusk


An urban legend says that if you made eye contact with those who commit suicide of jumping off the roof, their spirit will be appearing at windows around you, eyes fixed on you...

In this game, you'll be playing as Ishida Kazuma, an honor student who witnessed a suicide. There's only one ending. No choice. Only 30 minutes or so.

The game started off when Ishida is escaping his class and comes to the back of the school.
ishikawa relaxing at court
But the roof is prohibited. A certain fence is decaying, making it more dangerous in the rainy season. 
And to his surprise, there is someone who is calling his name.

man jumped off the roof
My name was called. To an upside-down guy.
As the guy who's falling down looks into Ishida's eyes while smiling, gravity takes place and then he died. The next day Ishida went to school and all of his classmates were talking about the incident and asking who's the victim. Apparently, it was Ishida's best friend, Moriya Tomoaki's cousin, Kawamura Naoto.

After the event, he keeps on seeing Kawamura's spirit at windows or anything that is reflective. He remembers a certain urban legend about this occurrence.

black screen with japanese texts
Outside the windows I saw something shadowy appears. Might be my imagination.
The next day, Ishida faints during school meeting. Moriya carries him to the health room. Ishida feels something's off with his best friend.

two boys in an infirmary room
It's Moriya. My best friend. But why do I feel afraid of him?
Turns out the one who commit suicide, Kawamura, liked Ishida, but his feelings were not reciprocated as Ishida didn't even know him. Moriya getting cray cray.

two boys reading a confession letter
"My beloved Ishida Kazuma."
"For you to look at me many times, I shall die." 

boy feeling sick in a room
I feel sick. Moriya is still laughing. Seeing me puking, he laughs more and more. 
Ishida runs off from the health room. Moriya chases him to the rooftop. Ishida remembers something about Kawamura.

scary text appears in black screen
There's only a ghost whose eyes fixed on me and a mad best friend.

a classroom in the morning
"But Kumi will be protected by Ishida-kun."
"True! What a beautiful couple."
"That stalker, makes me feel disgusted. With that weird movement, with that girly face."
Near the edge of the roof, Moriya confessed and...

close up two boys in the morning
"I love you, Ishida. Since we first met and until now. I won't lose to Kawamura." 
...Moriya pushes him off the rail. Ishida saw something while falling.

smiling blonde boy with white background


black screen

For me, how "Falling Point" related to Ishida is definitely "falling down". *badum tss* There's also a continuation for this. Continue to Rakka Ten 2!

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