
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

GALTIA (PC) Walkthrough

I love this game so much I finished it in a span of one week. No sleep at all. I never read any spoilers before playing it. All of the aspects of this game. The songs. The sprites. CGs. Well, if they made fewer non-con scenes that'll be great.


title screen with main characters

Table of Content

In a world where a human being called the "King" determines the fate of a country and few selected people with unusual ability called Galtia, Shin finds himself wrapped in the problems and ultimately discovers his true self.

You are playing as Shin (voiced by Yamanaka Masahiro), a protagonist with FREAKING SOFT VOICE but then it gets better later on you'll have to be patience. You'll be playing a total 16 endings; 4 for Senri, 3 for Zeek, 4 for Laurus, 3 for Diago and 2 for Zenox.

There are 3 types of endings; ending with an ending song is the HAPPY END, ending with just a black screen at the end is the BAD END, ending with an instrumental slower version of the opening song is the NEUTRAL END.

ITH won't work normally. One of my friends over my fanpage give me this code /HS4@1F9370:GALTIA and it works well. Better than VNR.

Right-click to access the menu. All of the useful functions have keyboard shortcuts. Sometimes there'll be a popup at the top left corner stating something like "new words added to library" or something.

An easy way to access the neutral ending is to do the opposite of happy end choices after the bolded choice. You'll see it after this.

Immerse yourself in the library section. Read those terms. Caress the map. Drool over Zeek. Just do it. Also, Zenox unlocks after completing every other characters' endings. Access it by starting a new game.
♚ Senri Carvell ♚ (voiced by Okitsu Kazuyuki)
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A childhood friend of Shin. Works with Valeth guild and a caretaker of the orphanage he used to live in. Have 4 endings; 1 neutral end, 2 bad ends, and 1 happy end.

senri and shin in a room

Start of the neutral ending or a happy ending choice. Mark as bolded one.

confused senri in a room

Senri is giving up on searching for clues about his past. Agree with him or not?

shin and kazui hallway

Senri is captured. Follow the pursuer or not?

Do this and you'll get:

Up, down, down, up, down, up, down, down, up, down, down, up, down, down, down
Happy end- becomes the king of kreuz, the country is prosper and well, together with senri

Up, down, down, up, down, up, down, down, up, down, down, up, down, down, up
Bad end- just let go of senri, 3P with senri and kazui

Up, down, down, up, down, up, down, down, up, down, down, up, down, up
Bad end- becomes clifford’s pet, zenox reaches shin….?

Up, down, down, up, down, up, down, up, down, up, up, down, up, down, down
Neutral end- the sword doesn’t choose a king but eventually senri becomes the king, the country still doesn’t change 
♛ Zeekhult Eivelshtain ♛ (voiced by Kawahara Yoshihisa)
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King of Vastunie. Strict but good with his comrades. MY LOVE WHY DID YOU CHANGED SO MUCH. Have 3 endings; 1 neutral, 1 bad, and 1 happy ending.

shin in a king's room

Start of the neutral ending or a happy ending choice. Mark as bolded one.

shin and leo in a hallway

Do you join the war or not?

Do this and you'll get:

Up, up, up, up, down, up, up, down, up, down, up, down, down, up, up, down
Bad end that is not that bad- didn’t join the war, went on a journey with leo

Up, up, up, up, down, up, up, down, up, down, up, down, down, up, up, up
Happy end- win the war, together with zeek

Up, up, up, up, down, up, up, down, up, up, down, down, up, down, down, up
Neutral end FUCK THIS IS DEFINITELY NOT A NEUTRAL END- the country overthrew zeek, zeek chained up in underground prison
♔ Laurus Vie Quarry ♔ (voiced by Kakehashi Atsushi)
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King of Quarry. Don't judge his appearance without knowing his inner demon. Like, seriously dude. Although I pity him but still. Conflicting feelings. Have 4 endings; 2 bads, 1 neutral and 1 happy end.

shin in a prison

Start of the neutral ending or a happy ending choice. Mark as bolded one.

laurus and shin in front of a building

Do you want to have some reasoning with him?

senri and shin at window panel

Will you leave Laurus and run from Quarry?

Do this and you'll get:

Up, up, down, down, up, down, down, up, up, down
Bad end- laurus drugs and brainwashes shin to stay with him

Up, up, down, down, up, down, down, up, up, up, down, down, down, down, up, down, down, up
Bad end- Curtis kill laurus, Curtis then got kill, shin got captured, zenox reaches him…?

Up, up, down, down, up, down, down, up, up, up, down, down, down, down, up, down, down, down
Happy end- Curtis won a bet and let shin escape together with laurus, together with laurus

Up, up, down, down, up, down, down, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, down, up, up, down
Neutral end- shin uses his power to revive laurus’ power, quarry made a treaty with vastunie
♕ Diago ♕ (voiced by Mamiya Yasuhiro)
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A representative of Diamante. OR IS IT? Take cares of Shin and Senri. Playful. Have 3 endings; 1 neutral, 1 bad and 1 happy ending.

diago and shin in meeting room

Start of the neutral ending or a happy ending choice. Mark as bolded one.

three men in a meeting room

Will you go to Kreuz and go see Senri or stay in Diamante?

Do this and you'll get:

Down, down, up, down, up, down, up, down, up, down, down, up, down, down
Bad end- leaves diago to search senri but then get caught by nacio, zenox reaches him…?

Down, down, up, down, up, down, up, down, up, down, down, up, down, up, up
Happy end- shin uses his power to erase zenox’s existence, war is over, together with diago

Down, down, up, down, up, down, up, up, down, down, up, down, up, up, down
Neutral end- shin uses his power to erase zenox’s existence but failed to save diago
☾ Zenox ☽ (voiced by Toriumi Kousuke)
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Mysterious man in red. Unlocks after playing everyone's endings. Also;

"WHY WON'T YOU REMEMBER ABOUT ME!???!!11?/!?1?!!?" 

Access his route by starting a new game and you'll see a new scenario and a new choice appears. Have 2 endings; 1 neutral and 1 happy end.

Do this and you'll get:

Up, up
neutral end- stops zenox from attacking zeek, then he explodes, shin searches for him

up, down
happy end- save the earth, together with zenox
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I actually have 100 screenshots. It was hard to choose from...

three men in a bar
"That's great, to be famous. I'm lonely. Us bachelors should get more intimate. Right, Shin?"
Diago the smooth talker.

shin in a back alley
"The gap between the poor and the rich is everywhere. Is there any way to reduce it?"
I love it when the characters get real talk about the real world.

4 men in a library

Mama Licht and Papa Aldo gets angry. And big sized sprites wow.

Also fun fact: I sent this picture to my friend for a tease. Up until now he doesn't know what it is. But he did know that it's from a yaoi visual novel thanks to his sister. I hope he forget about it soon.

senri and shin in a small room
"No, but the beds' uncomfortably close..."
Time to move Senri you can do it!!!

senri and shin in a boat
"...You remembered about it. My confession."
And moment of silence to my dear heart.

angry senri at shin in a room
"You'll tell him clearly, ok? Tell him that you already have me, ok?"
Oh dear, Senri don't get too jealous, Shin's just fiSHINg for information. Nothing too suspicious.

senri embarrased by shin
"...when you're asleep, I handled it alone."

shin jealous at senri
"You're somehow experienced about it..."
Do I smell jealousy?

shin in a bar
"Somehow you're becoming strangely seductive right now."
What? How?  Explain to me please man in black PLEASE

senri and kazui in a prison
"Because I'm greedy I want to protect everything. Grandfather's pride, you, this country..... my important person..."

senri and kazui smiling


shin and zeek in a garden
(Does he really need to talk with sarcasm?)
Jerk with a heart of gold he is.

"Is that so? But he's still a brat.... oops, the ability doesn't relate with age or height."
You trash talk about me and you indirectly trash talk about Leo. Good luck.

three men in a library
"If it means to not seeing your face then I'm better off staying with the horses."
Oooooh sassy Shin.

shin in a dining room
(Where's the fork... did they take it with the plate as well? Why do they need to change it every dish....)
They do have free time after all.

zeek and shin in a war site
"Horses are not vehicles. They are living things. Keep thinking like that will cause you trouble."
He loves horses so much it hurts me when I think what he's going to do after this FUCK YOU GRISEDGE

leo meeting shin in a room
".....Please return to your old self. If not then you can't go back to Diamante."

zeek and shin in a room
Zeek's sudden change. It was too sudden.

zeek in front of a site
"What's with that face? When we start to talk about this matter you'll change your mood."

laurus and shin at the beach
"....True. No one whats to get replace by anyone else."
This guy gives me conflicting feelings like no others. He has sad story but still.....

two identical twins
"We're identical twins."
Not in a first glance, Noel. Kyrie looks more dead than you.

shin trapped in a room
"Time killing.... by trapping someone in a room?!"
10/10 would friend Laurus. 

laurus talk to shin
"I am not a dog."
Because you're a cat BADUM TSSSSS

laurus teases shin in a room
"A baby bird walks better from you."
Whose fault you think it is hmmmmmm?

three men in a room
"Says someone who's about to get killed. You're far more saint than the saint woman."
Curtis you're my fave.

in a church
"I'll be with you after this. Just go read a book and wait.......... Let's meet again with a better relationship." 

"Oi oi if you wanna flirt do it after this ok?"
True, it's middle of a war and you still haven't moved from your spot like gODDAMN WHERE'S YOUR COMMON SENSE

diago and shin in pub
"You..... what you're thinking about me? Am I your wallet or something?"
You're my sugar daddy~

three men in diago's room
".....This bed. It seems to be cursed. When you lie down you won't get up."

GALTIA fandisk where everyone just lying on bed and have pillow talk I'll play the fuck out of it.

three men in a hallway
"All of that just to have war, that Vastunie king. Is that his hobby?"
Kings have very weird hobbies.

small kid with shin in a room
"Are you now in charge of my education? It comes from the mouth of Diago's pet."

diago and righthandman

A translation of that drama happens off-screen lmao

E: Just return it to me back right now!
S: Apologize to Diago about the bracelet properly then I’ll give it back to you.
E: Why do I have to do what you’re telling me?
S: Because I’m the one who searches for it. It’s becoming my job. Well, I’m used to it.
E: Oh, is that so? You’re good at searching for things.
S: Because his room is cluttered. It seems the key is also hidden, but that’s his fault.
E: Oh, so pets do have a specialty. You’re not a kitten, you’re might be a puppy.
S: P-Puppy?!

zeek with sworc attack shin
"Come to my place and become Vastunie's thing."
Dammit Zeek don't tempt me to play your route again.

three men in a meeting room
"How unexpected. What Nave and I thought that you'll be desperately wanting to go there even with prohibition."
I've been to an alternate timeline and it's not a great place. Trust me.

shin in a city
A strange flashback about the previous time. Shin remembers it, the memories that he spends his time with four kings.
Breaking the fourth wall like a boss. Kudos.

shin and zenox in a beach


shin and zenox in a jungle
"Listen, I'll do anything for you to get your memories back."
He tries so hard..... ;n; 

a hawk and a red haired man
"Even you know the differences between protecting what you love."
Logi the lovebird.

two or three people in a dining room


zeek and his right hand man
"Why my cup content is different than yours?"
In the middle of war, remember to have a drink and make jokes about it.

shin and zenox in a war
"My other part of the body. It won't return back."
Oh dear god please don't do this to me Zenox.


black screen with japanese kanji
^ Names that I can't find their kanji. Help!!

York: 志茂良作 ????
Licht: Horie Kazuma
Aldo: 華雄 ????
Curtis Valentini: 銀二郎 ????
Kazui Carvell: 田中一郎 ????
Clifford Luca and Logi: Kobayashi Norio
Leo Breitner: 里予上洋 ????
Noel Antoine: 笹崎こじろう ????
Ignis Blume and Kyrie Antoine: Takaoka Kaori
Cyrus: Kawahara Yoshihisa
Nacio and Yorgo: さがわゆうじ ????
Lyra Noah: 吉村カートマン ????
Conrad Stoltzer: ????
Nave: ????
Aizen: ????
Erza: ????
Helman: ????

abstract art with black background


Let's hope that their next project, which is Kintouka by the way, will have no rape scenes. This sounds like I'm asking a lot since it comes from a setting where there's a spider lilies grow on an island where the citizens believe of the dead lingers around the flowers or something...


  1. This game is infamous with rape scenes xD Tell me, is it worse than CAGE? =)

    1. Nah, CAGE seems to be mild after playing GALTIA. Seriously, Laurus doesn't even have any consensual intimacy moment. Pity him.

  2. I also play this game in just 2 days of staying up in the room did not come out (lol). because, this game is amazing soundtrack is too cool. until now op / ed still I hear. should know which character is your favorite? btw thanks above code I could play again with english (if there
    code game again please let me know yeah? thanks)

    1. Omg someone who speedrun like me 8D yeah I love the songs in it. My favourite characters are Senri and Zeek. Senri is predictable because I love green and childhood friends are my perks. But Zeek? I never thought that I would love him like I do now hahahaha but I still bitter with what he did to Shin...

      You're welcome! I'll try to share anything in here relating to VNs :D

    2. How can I play this game in english? >.<

    3. Hello, you can use ITH to hook texts and it'll translate through a translation software :)

    4. With the code you provided above? Is the translation good? o.o

    5. Yeah, it's pretty decent I guarantee

  3. Are there even any routes without rape scenes? I don't want to read the post as of now since I'm planning to play this game myself

    1. Uhhh any routes without rape scenes? Well... Senri's a good choice but there's still a rape scene in his bad end....oh well.

      Good luck surviving this game :^)

    2. Thanks, I'm not sure whether I'll try this game or not yet... What's with BL games and the prevalence of rape?

    3. I don't even know why. Is that how they see yaoi? a.k.a the need to destroy/control people :/ If there's a BL game without non-con scene then I'll be surprised now lol

  4. Just a rant but like I really didn't understand Shin's decision to stay with Laurus, maybe I lack compassion but how did he even fall in love with him? I assumed it was something like stockholm syndrome but I still kind of hated the ending, personally, it just didn't make sense :(:(

    1. Bruh I literally want to slap Shin for making a CONSCIOUS DECISION TO STAY WITH LAURUS WTF the whoooole route is just... suffering and trauma I hate it

  5. I dowloaded ITH, Translation Aggregator and AGTH. But ITH cann't attach the game:( So after that I tried to use your code in AGTH, but nothing happanded after starting the game. Please, can you halp me? Am I do smth wrong? Just for example, my link for the game with AGTH looks like this:
    C:\games\Galtia\agth.exe /C /HS4@1F9370:GALTIA C:\games\Galtia\Game\GALTIA_Launcher.exe

    1. Hello there! I found a better solution in hooking texts for VNs! You should search and install Textractor ( The tutorial on how to use it is included in the page

  6. i searched every site but i just couldnt find a way to download this game... can you help me plsss??? i want this game AHAHAHAAHAHT-T

    1. Idk if i'm allowed to post a link here, but you can download it at aarinfantasy, just use the title only advanced search there should be a locked thread titled Galtia (ガルティア), all the download links should be available there

  7. zenox route is not coming for me. shld i have to watch the bad & neutral ends too

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. How's Zeek's route? My friend told me that he treated a character really badly.
