
Sunday, June 12, 2016

Crimson V (PC) Walkthrough

The mission of emptying my hard disk is now officially back again. The next doujin game is... Crimson V by BL Japan! Also; short + weird and long character names.

red abstract background with a man standing

Table of Content

Kurenai Makoto, a vampire, was sent by his parents to study at one of the religious school deep in a forest. Whether he can maintain his humanity or accept his bloodline is your decision.

You are playing as Kurenai Makoto, a human who turned into a vampire unwillingly. Have 6 endings; 1 with Shinien, 1 with Hydoa and 4 ends.

You can save during the choices.

A character CG menu will be available after your completed the character's route.

Cardinal Guruna Shinien
Back to top ↑

A new teacher of the school. Seems to know Makoto's life story. LOOK AT THAT WEIRD NAME.. Have 3 endings; 1 good end and 2 other ends.

Down, up, down, up
Shinien end- getting prey with shinien

Down, up, down, down
End- shinien turns the boy into dust and disappears

Down, up, up
Trapped vampire end?- makoto trapped in a black goo world
Cerulean Larkspur Hydrangea 

A transfer student of the school. Roommate with Makoto. Pious. LOOK AT THAT WEIRD NAME. Have 3 endings; 1 good end and 2 other ends.

Up, down, down, down
Hydoa end- lick hydoa’s wrist, get bangbang on the rooftop, together with hydoa

Up, down, down, up
End- tend hydoa’s wound, promise to not make the same mistake again

Down, down, down
End- deny the boy, will find a better prey while leading a normal life

red haired man in a classroom
Why do I need "blood"?
Sorry to break it to you but you're a vampire. The title talks to you ok?

hydoan and kurenai in class
"Don't you know? Currently, Jesus and Buddha are having a vacation at Tachikawa."
"WHAT?! You're kidding me!"
I don't know where you know that Hydrangea. Sounds like you're high.

fight in a classroom
"Why? You can't sleep in the dark? You're still a kid."
"Said by someone who doesn't want to eat green pepper."

teacher and student in classroom
"Hey Kurenai-kun, do you know what is the Levirate marriage?"
Tfw you have to Google the answer for a BL game lmao

Only 4 more doujin games before playing..... LUCKY DOG 1. Gambatte, ore! 

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