Sunday, June 12, 2016

Crimson V (PC) Walkthrough

The mission of emptying my hard disk is now officially back again. The next doujin game is... Crimson V by BL Japan! Also; short + weird and long character names.

red abstract background with a man standing

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

GALTIA (PC) Walkthrough

I love this game so much I finished it in a span of one week. No sleep at all. I never read any spoilers before playing it. All of the aspects of this game. The songs. The sprites. CGs. Well, if they made fewer non-con scenes that'll be great.


title screen with main characters

Friday, May 6, 2016

Ou-sama no Chou (PC) Walkthrough

This game... is surprisingly good? I am shocked that no one talk about this game? How in the world? It even has two mini novels that follow the main event? What?

purple background with crown theme

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Rakka Ten 2 (PC) Walkthrough

Continue from Rakka Ten, it's Rakka Ten 2. I wonder what's their "Falling Point"? Warning: very glitchy.

kawamura and moriya standing

Rakka Ten (PC) Walkthrough

The title meaning is "Falling Point" which can be related to all the characters in the game. The first game LOVEANDES made. Quite glitchy.

classroom in dusk

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

CAGE -FOOL- (PC) Walkthrough

April Fools visual novels are like a running gag among the developers because they know we all enjoy it. But seriously though. I might as well create an "april fools visual novels" tag after this.

title screen with big letters in white

CAGE -SCHOOL- (PC) Walkthrough

Continue with CAGE's short story. This one is what everyone loves the most; high school AU.

title with japanese accent